About Zoweh

Zoweh has partnered with YouVersion the creators of The Bible App to create reading plans designed for you to connect with God. We hope these devotionals give you an opportunity to slow down and settle into time alone with God. CLICK here to see and download one of these devotionals for FREE in PDF format at our Outpost Store or click through to go to these plans online at bible.com or on The Bible App or the banner below.

Hearing God's Voice YouVersion Bible App Reading Plan

Has your walk with God ever felt one-sided? Silent? If you’ve struggled to hear God’s voice, or if you feel like you’ve never heard his voice, you are not alone. In this five-day reading plan, we explore the profound truth that God desires to communicate with you, personally. Consider opening your heart, listening intently, and embracing the joy of continual conversation with the God who knows and loves you.

Deepening Friendships YouVersion Bible App Reading Plan

Do we really NEED friends? YES! We need sisters, deepening friendship of hearts, committed to caring for one another, inviting each other to be curious, and inspiring one another to the full and abundant life God has for us! In this seven-day plan, we will explore what a redemptive community of women looks like and how it might look to move this way with women in your life.

Dangerous for Good YouVersion Bible App Reading Plan

Why do we often settle for a passive, passionless life, when God promises life full and abundant? Answer: disorientation. Seeing and experiencing how it all works is how we receive an orientation from God that transforms drifting and passive image-bearers into Kingdom sons and daughters living dangerous for good.

The Deepening Journey YouVersion Bible App Reading Plan

Have you ever felt there must be MORE to life than what you’re experiencing? Come with us on a seven-day journey exploring life as beloved daughters in this broken and beautiful world, what comes against us, and Jesus’ offer of healing, love, life, and friendship. Have a journal ready for conversations with God each day!

Fathering Hearts YouVersion Bible App Reading Plan

Whether your child is five or fifty-five, don’t stop listening. Continue giving them your time and attention. Continue engaging their heart. Continue being Dad. In this seven-day plan, based on Michael Thompson’s newest book King Me, you will explore how the legacy we leave behind as fathers isn’t determined by how we started—though that may very well need to be tended to —but, rather, by how we move forward from here.

Comforted by God YouVersion Bible App Reading Plan

We were made for love; to be held, seen, and delighted in by our first caregivers. Even the best parent fails, resulting in disappointment, loss, and injury. We need the loving care, nurture, and comfort of our God, who brings deep healing to our whole selves. In this 4-day plan, we soak in comfort, inviting the nearness and Presence of God through the practice of Lectio Divina.

Healing Along the Masculine Journey YouVersion Bible App Reading Plan

Men, you are invited to step with courage and hope into an exploration of your story through the Six Stages of the Masculine Journey, and ask God these critical questions: Who am I? Where am I? What is the way home? In this six-day plan, you will venture through each stage, exploring and discovering God’s desire to heal you from past wounds so that you can move forward living free.

Encountering the Warrior King YouVersion Bible App Devotional

Men, to love and lead well, we need to follow a good King. How you view Jesus, the King of kings, matters. Is Jesus a good, moral guy or a hero you deeply desire to imitate and walk alongside? In this five-day plan, we will dig into who Jesus is, how we see him, and how seeing him rightly makes all the difference in living on adventure with the King.

Word of the Year YouVersion Bible App Reading Plan

Looking for a fresh start to the new year? What if you invited God to guide you personally and specifically in the year ahead, listening to his heart for you? Through these seven days, we invite you to consider the year behind you, and explore a theme with God for your upcoming year. You’ll want to have a journal ready as you explore the prompts along the journey!

The Deepening Experience: You are the Beloved YouVersion Reading Plan

What if listening is the kindest, most honoring way to love someone? One of the most remarkable skills anyone can ever practice, listening is creating an environment in which another person feels heard, understood, known, cared for...loved. Through these 8 days, we invite you to consider the value and the impact of listening well, and how cultivating and practicing listening brings healing and integration.

The Deepening Experience: You are the Beloved YouVersion Reading Plan

We invite you into the story God is telling - a love story, set in the midst of fierce battle. This is the story of your life and mine - the glory we are born with, the wounds our hearts experience along the way, and our restoration back into shalom and the good that God intended for us. Journey with us into the story of Belovedness.

All men want a mission. We want to make a difference. But before we embark on that mission, we must know that we are Beloved Sons of God. Otherwise, we’ll fight bravely but die quickly in battle; whether that battle is in the workplace, on the internet or in our own homes. Join us.

Every man has had authority figures in his life, and much of what a man perceives about God and projects onto God was shaped by those authority figures. At the top of every man’s authority list is his earthly father. How your dad handled your heart has shaped you and contributed significantly to how you perceive God. Join us for this journey towards experiencing the heart of the Father and getting everything out of the way that is in the way of being a Beloved Son.

What is in the way of our belief that God loves us? Healing the heart is our Father’s first imperative work and our introduction to training. Training? Yes, training, learning how to experience being a Beloved Son. In the midst of battle, the enemy counts on a man never experiencing that he is a Beloved Son. Join us on the journey to belovedness.

Many men have been led to believe that they have to create a mission for their lives. What if we told you that instead of you having to craft the mission that the mission finds you? Join us on an eight day video journey where Michael Thompson, author of The Heart of a Warrior and his friends Jay, Blake and Jim talk about what's in the way and coming against us as we embark on the journey of the heart and the Mission God has for you.

Lewis and Clark were the great American adventurers. Learning how to walk with God is also high adventure. Although most of our world’s physical landscape has now been charted, our spiritual journeys are still like Lewis and Clark’s. Taking one day at a time, re-calibrating and reassessing our position often, stopping to survey the surroundings. Unlike them, we Christ followers do not travel away from home but rather toward home.

What if everything could change? What if in a few days you could begin an exploration into orientation that would (over time and with God’s help) change everything . Jesus bestowed on his friends a dangerous presence: they were dangerous for good! Warriors in the Kingdom of Christ with Whole Hearts, Full Lives and a Kingdom Authority are truly dangerous men and women.

If we are going to be trained in how to fight in this battle, we must first clearly understand that the battle is all about Love. Our Savior and King was a specialist, and He wants nothing less than to train us in the Art of War… Loving others back to Life and wielding His power and authority against our enemies, those that work on behalf of the kingdom of darkness.

Todos los hombres desean una misión. Queremos marcar la diferencia. Pero antes de embarcarnos en esa misión, debemos saber que somos los hijos amados de Dios. De lo contrario, lucharemos con valentía pero moriremos rápidamente en la batalla. No importa que esa batalla está en el lugar de trabajo, en el internet o en nuestros propios hogares. Únete a nosotros en esta jornada de 14 días para despertar, profundizar y completar tu comprensión de cómo Dios te ve... como un hijo amado.

Cada hombre ha tenido autoridades en su vida, y mucho de lo que uno piensa de Dios y proyecta de Dios ha sido formado por esas autoridades. Ven con nosotros en este viaje para entender el corazón del Padre y sacar todo lo que bloquea tu camino en ser un Amado Hijo.

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