Beloved, welcome to The Deepening Community! We recognize from scripture that the Trinity created us for relationship. Heaven’s grand design was that the culture of the Kingdom of God would be translated to the earth and that we would also live in relationships, in family, in community. It isn’t just that life is too hard to go it alone. More than that, our hearts were designed for life with others and with God.

Adventure Together

Journey Together

Do Life Together

  • Is formed when women pursuing intimacy with God come together to know and be known, to share life in the Kingdom together, aspiring to grow in love for one another.
  • Is a place where a woman’s true, authentic self is invited and welcomed.
  • Is a place where a woman’s glory is pursued, not her sin.
  • Is a place where, at its core, the belief that the redeemed heart is good fuels both acceptance and growth.
  • Is a safe and trusting place where deep places of the heart and soul can be pursued, known, and touched.
  • Is a space where we seek to offer good care to one another. Where we hold space for stories, processing, pain, and grief. Where we aspire to listen well and respond with kindness and curiosity, without judgment and without trying to fix or give advice.
  • Is a place where everyone is free to participate, offer, and contribute. Where no one's glory is muted, their wounds honored, and their stories valued.
  • It cannot be a substitute for God, but rather is a place God inhabits, and what God designed in order for love and life to be experienced.
  • It must be small. It must be intimate.
  • Is a place where our lives intersect, and how we live in the kingdom together. Where we pray, play, worship, eat, share, care for, and journey together. Ideally, it is intergenerational.
  • It is larger than itself. It must be missional and intentional—for others and on behalf of others.
  • It cannot be contained in a day, a time, or a room.
  • It will be messy. In the complexity and messiness of relationships, we understand God will provoke and disrupt in order for there to be opportunities for healing and growth, and for the possibilities of moving in new ways of relating. Change and disruption are inevitable and even necessary.
  • Is a place where we understand that the Life and Love of God and each other is fiercely opposed, and we therefore acknowledge that we are in a battle and have an enemy that comes to steal, kill, and destroy.
  • Is a space where walking with God together for healing, transformation, validation, training, and initiation is seen as a sacred privilege and priority.

We have found such value in our friendships with one another - encouragement, inspiration, soul care, companionship in life’s hard and shared celebration in the joys and triumphs.  Through conversation and coffee, chocolate and time away to rest and play, and through sharing the stuff of our lives and the work of our hands and hearts, we are enriched and made more beautiful.  And we have a chance to offer our beauty and our good hearts to others.

For all of those reasons, part of our desire for The Deepening Experience is that women who journey with us would begin to establish redemptive friendships and communities where they live.  And that those communities would also be connected to our Zoweh team as well as the other local communities across geography into a larger family.  We would love to partner with you in taking “more love, more life and more freedom” to those around you - providing resources, encouragement, and friendship.

Subscribe to The Deepening Community

Stories, encouragement, updates, and resources for women.

YouVersion Bible App Reading Plans

We invite you into the story God is telling - a love story, set in the midst of fierce battle. This is the story of your life and mine - the glory we are born with, the wounds our hearts experience along the way, and our restoration back into shalom and the good that God intended for us. Journey with us into the story of Belovedness.

Loving through Listening YouVersion Bible App Devotional

What if listening is the kindest, most honoring way to love someone? One of the most remarkable skills anyone can ever practice, listening is creating an environment in which another person feels heard, understood, known, cared for...loved.


The Deepening Journey YouVersion Bible App Devotional

Have you ever felt there must be MORE to life than what you’re experiencing? Come with us on a seven-day journey exploring life as beloved daughters in this broken and beautiful world, what comes against us, and Jesus’ offer of healing, love, life, and friendship. Have a journal ready for conversations with God each day!

Zoweh is a nonprofit partner supported ministry.

We are with you and for YOU in your journey. Would you consider financially partnering with us as we come alongside women on their journey of healing and wholeheartedness by starting a monthly gift?