I have a hope for men, a vision that fuels me ... It is this:

I hope to one day see the hearts of men so foundationally settled, so well-trained, so well-equipped, and so well-engaged that when evil dares raise its head, Beloved Sons/Warrior men will know what to do and will do it well. 

In order for this to happen, a man needs to recover his true heart—the good heart filled with the life of Christ and stamped with his character that the Father gives his sons at rebirth. And he needs to experience that he is indeed the Beloved Son of a good Father. Then that man can be shown his Warrior Heart. A Warrior is a Beloved Son trained and equipped to engage in the life-and-death battles that are continually going on in him and all around him.

What does it mean to be a Beloved Son? We need to be clear on this from the start, because everything that follows flows from it. A Beloved Son is one who experiences the unconditional love of his Father in a way that deeply impacts him and leaves him with:

Nothing to Hide,

Nothing to Prove,

Nothing to Fear.

That kind of love leaves a mark; it has an encouraging and empowering effect on the son. Because of it, a man is completely free.

An excerpt from The Heart of a Warrior. Learn more here.