Declaring my need and hope to be healed moves heaven and earth as Jesus responds. My desire for something more puts my Savior to work undressing me from the dragon skin, removing its captivity over me and setting me free.

Remember the prayer of the Warrior King, David: “Search me, O God, and . . . see if there be any hurtful way in me” (Ps. 139:23–24 NASB).

It is this cry of the heart that moves the heart of God.

Asking God to help us with anything that is stored up in our hearts, anything that can harm both ourselves and others, means that we accept surgery. We crawl up on the gurney and give God permission to operate: Jesus, do what you need to.

This has become a regular prayer in my own life. Asking for eyes to see and ears to hear the things God wants me to bring to him often leads me into surgery. I give him the old trusting that he will make it new.

If it is anger I am experiencing, then that symptom tells me that God and I have an appointment to talk about something. The same goes for jealousy, shame, or judgment. All are attempts by the enemy to partner with my false self so the woundedness in my life continues and eventually spreads through me into other lives.