Often, we identify ourselves by what we do - by roles we have taken on and stepped into - wife, mom, teacher, runner, boss, military wife, church volunteer, small group leader, care giver. Your role is not who you are.
What about roles you’ve stepped into that seem as natural as breathing? Or maybe, think about what others say about you, or said about you as a child. Are you ...
the one who always comes through
the one who always takes care of everything
and everyone
the quiet one
the good one
the funny one
the perfectionist
the successful one
the emotional one
the smart one
the adventurous one
the wounded one
the victim
the peacekeeper
the disruptive one
the one who plans for everything that could
possibly go wrong
the one who always understands and listens
the one everyone just uses
fill in the blank
The False Self allows us to avoid the deepest questions of our hearts, always keeping us at arm’s length from our True Self. And when we don’t know our deepest, Truest Self, we can miss God and what He has for us. God created our True Self, and God invites this True Self into deep relationship with Himself.