Jesus makes it clear that He is after more than a principled or dutiful life, more than a life that simply manages itself by keeping the rules or staying in line. Jesus says in the eighth verse: Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God. In their New Testament Commentary on The Gospel of Matthew, Walvoord and Zuck state that this passage literally means: “Happy are those who are clean on the inside from sin through faith in God’s provision.”

When we are transformed, our hearts (our cores) are made clean and holy. A few verses later in the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus makes it clear that it is the heart He is after: For where your treasure is there your heart will be also (Matthew 6:21). I believe what he is saying is,

Treasure Me, treasure my Father’s Kingdom and treasure this way of Life. You give your heart to what you treasure and what you treasure has your heart.

 Don’t we know this reality all too well?

An excerpt from Search and Rescue.

Search and Rescue

Search and Rescue Book Resource

We desperately need to recover the critical components of a much Larger Story, the pieces of a Larger Gospel that have been lost, misplaced, misunderstood, underestimated or worse, stolen. Search and Rescue is an invitation to look for what has been lost in our lives and more importantly, to actually be the one that needs to be searched for, rescued and restored.

In Search and Rescue, Michael Thompson encourages believers and those curious to the faith to accompany him in the quest to find the Life and the Love we were meant for… There is a Life and a Love that is looking for you. Are you ready to be found?