Jesus lived all that He taught, and He invites us to live the same way. The ministry He engaged in He passed along to us as well. Remember the passage in which Jesus says, even greater things will you do than these? It is tucked away in John 14:11-12, in the middle of a conversation Jesus is having with His disciples prior to His last days. Jesus announces that He has to go away, but He says this:
The person who trusts me will not only do what I’m doing but even greater things, because I, on my way to the Father, am giving you the same work (the same life) to do that I’ve been doing. You can count on it.
John 14:12 (MSG, emphasis added)
For most of us non-pilots that sounds like being put in the cockpit and told, "You fly this one, you can do it." Whoa, I don’t think the passengers are going to go for this! And yet when we move to the book of Acts, which propels us to the other side of Jesus’ last days, we see the early Christians testing their wings and taking flight. The disciples are living the life Christ lived and doing the things that He did—all in His name, His power and His authority. All connected to Him, to be sure, but that is the point:
A life that Christ has rescued is a life that can be lived like Christ.
An excerpt from Search and Rescue.