If our lives are just problems to be solved, then we have put ourselves in the center of a story that is too small for us.
We were created for a much larger role.
If you have been in this dilemma, I invite you to abandon the epidemic belief that you just need to “shape up” and “do better.” Better performance alone won’t solve everything and set you on the right course. This approach leads to chronic spiritual breakdown. The only treatment for such a condition is to abandon this perspective and orientation and trade it in for something better. By doing so, your Life will get larger very quickly.
You can never produce the Life you long for or the Life you were meant for, nor can you offer it to anyone else, when your approach is simply to do better, try harder, pull yourself up by your bootstraps and fix it yourself. You can’t do it by committing to sin less or be more holy. It just isn’t within your ability to do so. These religious “New Year’s resolutions” end up on the list of things I’ve gotta get done someday. If we could fix ourselves, we would be the doctor not the patient ... we would be the well and not the bucket.
We’re not the source of Life, but we can be its glorious container.
An excerpt from Search and Rescue.