God has a high view of mankind, of those who bear his image. As sons of the King of kings, we are royalty. Our enemy knows this about us. He knows who we really are. The question remains, do we?

How do you see yourself? What voices are you believing? Who and what is blocking you from walking in the nobility of your true identity?

You are the son of a good Father, the apprentice to a glorious King, and the companion of the wisest and wildest Guide who ever existed. You have a glory, and God wants to see it restored so he can turn you loose—because he knows that free men free others.

Your enemy wants you to remain ignorant of this. He doesn’t want you to cross the board and receive your crown, because he knows that healing is for a purpose far greater than your small story. There is a weightiness and splendor to your life. It’s what God had in mind when he made you uniquely in his image.

Let’s go with God and get your glory back.