Here, then, is the key: Overcoming, defending, and providing for your kingdom depend on your intimacy with God.

That’s how God designed us to operate. “God’s Way is not a matter of mere talk; it’s an empowered life” (1 Corinthians 4:20 MSG).

Jesus, the Second Adam, reclaimed what the first Adam gave away. This includes your ability to effectively and powerfully fulfill your roles and assignments in life, especially those of husband and father. In all circumstances, Jesus makes it possible for you to offer your glory as you walk intimately with him. And when you are attacked, when the enemy makes an attempt on your Life, you have both the heart and the equipment to fight back.

The ultimate answer to all our questions is, walk intimately with God. Listen for him. Pay attention. “If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God” (James 1:5). That’s how wisdom is gained—by asking God. He speaks, we listen, then we move and we learn. This is to be the normal Christian life. There is always more going on than first meets the eye; therefore, a king must learn wisdom and discernment.

The more spiritually alert you are, the greater becomes your ability to discern. Then you can preemptively take the fight to the enemy. It’s a great day when a man moves from defense to offense.