Knowledge is good, and behavioral changes may produce some positive results, but only God can heal deep wounds in a profound and lasting way. Sometimes that can happen in seconds, in a flash of revelation, but usually God takes the jigsaw-puzzle approach to restoring your heart: A piece here, a piece there, and over time the big picture comes together. One step at a time you claim holy ground; bit by bit the false self gives way to the true. God wants to do it all with you.

But liberating as it is, the healing journey is just part of a greater adventure. Healing is like clearing the deadfalls that block your progress and removing the overgrown brush that obscures your way toward a goal of surpassing grandeur.

What if there is an amazing secret about you that God wants to reveal? What if your life is meant to show and tell other people what it looks like to be free? And what if who you are is intended to be lived on behalf of others, loving them wholeheartedly as Jesus commanded us to do?

A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another. By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another. - John 13:34–35