When you look at creation, you are gazing upon art at its most foundational and transcendent. And where there is art, there is an artist.

When God created the world, he held nothing back. Can you imagine what it was all like when the first strokes of paint were drying, when the sculptures were taking shape, and the Artist stepped back from everything he had created and, with deep satisfaction, declared, “It is good”? Picture it—the earth and sky spoken as landscape onto the canvas of creation. Oceans and mountains crafted into shape and placed just so. Daisies and redwoods, hummingbirds and whales, horses and monkeys, otters and elephants, all shimmering and dripping with dew and awaiting their names.

It was beyond words. The most beautiful things always are.

And then God created his masterpiece: humankind. Man and woman, set in creation as more than just two additional creatures. Far, far more. These were the Artist’s image bearers, a son and daughter, friends of God, imbued with the dignity of co-laborers with God. Man and woman were created to be caretakers of the planet he had created for them and, one day, co-heirs of it all. It is a love story—a world made for romance by Love himself.

God is Love, and we are invited to see through creation to the Love behind it. To God, the Great Romancer.