God is the master of languages and communication. In Genesis he speaks creation into existence. The apostle John writes, “In the beginning was the Word.” In the second chapter of Acts, on the day of Pentecost, God spoke through the disciples with clarity and grace in many languages, and the multinational crowd listening to those disciples understood their message.

Is it any surprise, then, that God can speak in more ways than we can imagine? An inner impression . . . the quiet flame of a sunrise . . . a dream imbued with significance . . . the wide-eyed gaze of an infant . . . a display at a museum . . . a Scripture verse that leaps into the heart . . . the kind words or wise counsel of a wife, a friend, or a stranger spoken at just the right time . . . the silvery rush of a waterfall . . . even a bumper sticker (as we shall see) . . . the ways God speaks are limitless.

So it’s important that we understand how God speaks. After all, it’s a huge part of having an intimate relationship with him. And every healing encounter with God is an intimate encounter.