So what do your kids need from you in the fight for their hearts? Above all, they need you. The real you. The authentic you.

By now you know: That all starts by getting back your own heart. As you do, you’ll become increasingly equipped to hear and validate your kids in the questions they’re asking. They’re the same ones you were asking when you were a boy:

Do you see me?
Do you love what you see?
Do you want to be with me?

Whether your son or daughter is still a child or a grown man or woman, I guarantee that, one way or another, they too are asking these core questions. Are the answers settled in your heart as yes, yes, and yes? If not, then it’s extremely likely they are not settled that way in your child’s heart either.

Becoming a beloved son as you father is the way to learn how to father beloved sons and daughters. Being loved is the way to learn how to love. Being healed is the way to learn how to partner with God for your children’s healing when you or someone else wounds them. Being fathered by God is the greatest way to learn how to father the hearts he has entrusted to you.