How often have you been told that love is not a feeling and that feelings and emotions have nothing to do with God’s love?

Horse hockey! That is the craziest thing I’ve ever heard.

Experiencing God’s love, enjoying the beauty of the Trinity, being caught up in romance, is tasting and seeing that God is good. An intimate relationship feels like something. Being loved by God is what transforms you. Not just reading about being loved by God but experiencing the love of God. Hearing him say to you—to you— “I love you. You are mine, and I am yours.”

A man can read about God’s love all his life, like reading a brochure for the Grand Canyon. The brochure will invite him there. But only when the man actually stands on the rim of the canyon can he be transformed by beauty and romanced to the Creator’s affection. When a man moves from the study of the theological to the experience of the theological, something significant happens. And you won’t have to pry his experience out of him, because he’ll be bursting with it. He can’t help trying to share with you what he’s found, because he feels the love and pleasure of his Creator.

We talk about the person we are in love with because we experience them. And a relationship with God is, above all else, an invitation to an experience. It is a love story about you and the One who loved you first, loves you most, and, wild as it sounds, is love itself.