As the feminine image bearers of God, women carry his likeness uniquely. They are deeply relational, made to love well and fiercely, to nurture and comfort. They care deeply and are amazingly empathetic. (When children scrape their knees, whom do they call for?) Women offer their strength in their kindness, care, and mercy. They are life-giving not only in having babies but also with kind and loving words, gentle touches, and the beautiful environments they so often create.

God made women a certain way for a certain purpose, and their design is revealed in their desires. It would be silly for me to assume I can present a comprehensive list of those desires, for every woman’s heart is deep water. Still, we men need some essential coordinates for launching our exploration of Eve. Every feminine heart shares four core desires:

  1. She wants to be loved—to be seen, known, and wanted. Like you and me, she wants to be the beloved.
  2. She is designed and desires to offer beauty.
  3. She longs for romance—to be pursued for who she is.
  4. She desires to play an essential role in a Larger Story.