This is what God created us for: to be caught up in what he is doing in the world and around us. He extends to us a limitless invitation to all of us to be part of what he is doing, to collaborate with him and what he is about. God made us to live a vibrant life in the context of abundant love. That is what we’re made for. That is what we are invited to be part of. And I know a lot of us here are in different phases of our journey. It might not be what you are feeling is true about you, your life, or God, but regardless of the circumstances, that is the invitation. The invitation to every person here is wholeness in the love of Christ.
This is what Jesus is all about. John 10:10 says that Jesus came that we might have life, and have it to the full. This is the beginning, middle and end of our story. It’s what God began in Eden. It’s what Jesus restored again. And it’s what is promised to us at the restoration of all things in Revelation. But is this what we’re feeling now in this middle place of promise?
Because unity with God is what we are made for, our unity with him has been assaulted. Life has also been assaulted. And that is why we feel the way we do.