As Ephesians 4:2 (NAS) says, we must walk “with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love.”

Life is difficult, and often confusing. There is such comfort in having others to walk with you, lending wisdom and a hand up when you stumble. We see here, too, the value of having others alongside who will lend their swords and fierce hearts on your behalf and for the sake of the mutual mission that you journey in.

Because relationship is opposed, we must not be put off by the effort it requires, or the differences and conflict which inevitably arise from time to time. This is why love is so central to community as it has the power to cover every sin (1 Peter 1:8).

It is in relationship when we are most like God. It is through relationship that our rough edges are sanded. And it is from relationship that we understand our identity and worth.

God does us the honor and privilege of creating us a space, a place to be us. The Father gives us a seat at the table through the Son, Christ, where They know we truly belong. God has moved heaven and earth to make that invitation to a Redemptive Community—a place in His family.