And they heard the sound of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool [afternoon breeze] of the day, so the man and his wife hid and kept themselves hidden from the presence of the Lord God among the trees of the garden. –Genesis 3: 7-8 , AMP

Eden fell and Adam and Eve hid. Their hiding took a particular form—dressing themselves in the fig leaves that have covered us ever since. This is the day that the false self first appears in the human story – the masks we wear to disguise our nakedness.

Part of the nakedness we try to hide is the vulnerability we carry as a result of wounds our hearts have sustained. Other parts of the nakedness are things which are precious and not for everyone to know because we’ve learned that some will not treat those things as precious.

Even though people around us may believe we are the masks we wear, and sometimes we believe that too—God knows better. And He still loves us and wants us to come out of hiding.

Can you imagine living with a heart so settled and rooted in Belovedness that you have nothing to prove, nothing to hide, and nothing to fear? This is the freedom for which Christ has set us free.