Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit. - Galatians 5:25

Consider what man is. He is a creature that desires happiness, and cannot but desire it. The desire of happiness is woven into his nature, and cannot be eradicated. It is as natural for him to desire as it is to breathe. - Thomas Boston (Scottish pastor, 1700)

It is always good to know what something is made for.

We were made for God.

For intimacy, oneness, and connectedness to God. 

The trick is to align our hearts with His … to walk with God into the Great Love Story and into the fierce battles.  For that is where we are, the context of our story: Love and War. 

The Trinity made us to be in relationship with them.  To know and be known, to share Life with them and have our Life in them.  This promised “Life to the full” (John 10:10) is a Life of intimacy.  We are happiest when we find our Life in being loved by God.  The absolute best way to experience the Life and Love we were made for is to align our hearts with God … to be in step with the Spirit and all He has for us today.

It can be more than difficult to see it in this fallen place, and yet that is what God invites us to do: seek, knock, and ask, and then experience His presence, His provision, and His protection.  The ache we feel is a holy ache … a longing and desire for a life of more because that is exactly what we were created for: the Life and Love of God.  Solomon put it this way …

[God Set Eternity in the Heart of Man ] He has made everything beautiful and appropriate in its time. He has also planted eternity [a sense of divine purpose] in the human heart [a mysterious longing which nothing under the sun can satisfy, except God]—yet man cannot find out (comprehend, grasp) what God has done (His overall plan) from the beginning to the end.

Ecclesiastes 3:11 (AMP)

It was C.S. Lewis who wrote …

"The happiness which God designs for His higher creatures is the happiness of being freely, voluntarily united to Him and to each other in an ecstasy of love and delight compared with which the most rapturous love between man and a woman on this earth is mere milk and water."

I hope and pray today, that you encounter Love (1 John 4:7-8) ... for when you encounter and experience Love, you are enjoying and experiencing the very thing you were made for: God.

If we live by the [Holy] Spirit, let us also walk by the Spirit. [If by the Holy Spirit [a]we have our life in God, let us go forward [b]walking in line, our conduct controlled by the Spirit.] - Galatians 5:25 (AMP)

The Daily Prayer - Paragraph 8

Holy Spirit, I sincerely embrace you as my Counselor, my Comforter, my Strength and my Guide.[40] Thank you for sealing me in Christ.[41] I honor you as my Lord, and I ask you to lead me into all truth, to anoint me for all of my life and walk and calling, and to lead me deeper into Jesus today.[42] I fully open my life to you in every dimension and aspect – my body, my soul and my spirit – choosing to be filled with you, to walk in step with you in all things.[43] Apply to me, blessed Holy Spirit, all of the work and all of the gifts in Pentecost.[44] Fill me afresh, blessed Holy Spirit. I receive you with thanks and give you total claim to my life

An excerpt from The Daily Prayer Memory Verse Cards.

The Daily Prayer Devotional

The Daily Prayer English
The Daily Prayer, is a prayer passed along and taught to us by John Eldredge and our allies at Wild at Heart. We have learned over the years that we used to pray for many things that we already possessed and truths that God has already given us. Therefore, instead of asking, we align our hearts with God and declare what is true.