And to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness. - Ephesians 4:24

Today you are you! That is truer than true! There is no one alive who is you-er than you! - Dr. Seuss

Created to be like God? ... Godlike? Oh my! Could it be?

The invitation to be who we are, what we were made for and the truest version of ourselves? It is an amazing proposition! We become what we identify with. We have heard a lot about original sin ... how about original glory? How about original design?  Which is the better thing to emphasize, pursue, identify with … sin (what we sometimes do), or glory (how we bear God’s image and who we have it in us to be)?  It’s a no-brainer! 

It is always better to be invited than indicted. What does your gospel do to you? For you? Invite you up and in? Yes, we are in this fallen place with fallenhearts, guilty, and separated from God by sin. Thank God he remedied that problem! Thank you Jesus, for not only dying, but maybe as important, showing us how to live - intimately connected to the Father. Thank you for showing us what the original relationship and walk with God the Father looks like. Thank you for filling us Holy Spirit, sealing us in you to overcome and become. Intimacy is our destiny. Making us new is his plan. 

We are image bearers of God, the most loving, strong, kind, creative, and wonderful person in the cosmos. He is inviting us to become who we truly are ... the new self, the truest us we can be, and He is committed to seeing it done.  

The relentless love of God fuels His commitment to taking his image bearers and making them like Him. What a story. What a role. What a privilege and honor to be his beloved.  It’s going to take some time and some work, all remodeling projects do.   

Do you know this love? Have you experienced Him for yourself? How is he changing you, growing you up into yourself? Let Him, partner with Him, ask Him, allow Him ... it is the best and sometimes the hardest thing a human being can do, surrender to love, to be and be made holy.

We are and are becoming holy ... just like Him.

And put on the new nature (the regenerate self) created in God’s image, [Godlike] in true righteousness and holiness. - Ephesians 4:24 (AMP)

The Daily Prayer - Paragraph 5

Jesus, I also embrace you as my new life,[25] my holiness and sanctification, and I receive all the work and triumph of your Resurrection, whereby I have been raised with you to a new life, to walk in newness of life, dead to sin and alive to God.[26] I am crucified with Christ and it is no longer I who live but Christ who lives in me.[27] I now take my place in your Resurrection, whereby I have been made alive with you,[28] I reign in life through you.[29] I now put on the new man[30] in all holiness and humility, in all righteousness and purity and truth. Christ is now my life,[31] the one who strengthens me.[32] Holy Spirit, apply to me the fullness of the Resurrec- tion of Jesus Christ for me. I receive it with thanks and give it total claim to my life.

An excerpt from The Daily Prayer Memory Verse Cards.

The Daily Prayer Devotional

The Daily Prayer English
The Daily Prayer, is a prayer passed along and taught to us by John Eldredge and our allies at Wild at Heart. We have learned over the years that we used to pray for many things that we already possessed and truths that God has already given us. Therefore, instead of asking, we align our hearts with God and declare what is true.