And having disarmed the powers and authorities, he made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them by the cross. - Colossians 2:15

Satan does not tempt us just to make us do wrong things—he tempts us to make us lose what God has put into us through regeneration, namely, the possibility of being of value to God. - Oswald Chambers

We live in a spiritual battle!

It is amazing how few believers do not see this nor take this to heart. Many Christians would acknowledge there is a Satan, acknowledge that there are fallen angels, and that there is a kingdom of darkness. But do they see and can they take to heart how violently opposed life in God is?

Do believers know how the war between the Kingdom of God and kingdom of darkness all works?

Do we understand how Satan and his fallen angels operate under all allowances and agreements made by believers?

It is like I had put a security alarm on my home or car ... it doesn’t prevent someone attempting to steal my stuff.  And if the security system isn’t on and it is all the easier for those doing the stealing to getaway with parts of my life.

The cross doesn’t “prevent" evil from working; the cross makes them powerless, IF we exercise our security option in Christ and can turn on the power of its presence. Darkness has to submit to the power and authority of Christ and his Cross, claiming victory over death and sin happens, IF we play our part and step boldly into our role. The cross has disarmed the dark power and authorities, and yet evil will always want to know if we know its power.  The beloved sons and daughters of God need to know how to enforce the power and authority we have been given in and through the cross!  I remember the first time I heard the phrase ..We do not fight for victory, we fight from Victory!

Amen and AMEN! I hope you will pay attention, live awake, and be ready to fight today the evil that hunts you and comes to steal, kill, and destroy (John 10:10) your Life in God. Let your enemy know you know who you are, where you are, and the good God is up to in your life.  You are armed for the victory that is ours in and through the cross of Christ, his resurrection, and ascension … the full work of Christ!

[God] disarmed the principalities and powers that were ranged against us and made a bold display and public example of them, in triumphing over them in Him and in it [the cross]. - Colossians 2:15 (AMP)

The Daily Prayer - Paragraph 4

Jesus, thank you for coming for me, for ransoming me with your own life.[15 ] I honor you as my Lord, I love you, worship you, trust you. I embrace[16] you as my redemption, and I receive all the work and triumph of your Crucifixion, whereby I am cleansed from all my sin through your shed blood,[17] my old nature is removed,[18] my heart is circumcised unto God,[19] and every claim being made against me is disarmed. [20] I take my place in your cross and death, whereby I have died with you to sin and to my flesh,[21] to the world,[22] and to the evil one.[23] I take up my cross and crucify my flesh with all its pride, unbelief, and idolatry. I put off the old man.[24] I now bring the cross of Christ between me and all people, all spirits, and all things. Holy Spirit, apply to me the fullness of the work of the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ for me. I receive it with thanks and give it total claim to my life.

An excerpt from The Daily Prayer Memory Verse Cards.

The Daily Prayer Devotional

The Daily Prayer English
The Daily Prayer, is a prayer passed along and taught to us by John Eldredge and our allies at Wild at Heart. We have learned over the years that we used to pray for many things that we already possessed and truths that God has already given us. Therefore, instead of asking, we align our hearts with God and declare what is true.