We each have a story to be told that is worthy of good, wise, and kind engagement. Your story matters, and is worthy of being heard, held, and engaged well, with kindness and attunement.

Attunement is about understanding another’s inner emotional world. The window into another’s emotional world is their non-verbal communication–that is, their facial expressions, tone of voice, and body language.

Telling our stories to someone who listens with compassion and empathy contributes to redeeming painful, fragmented experiences and developing new, healthy, and whole stories – regardless of what a person has experienced. When we tell our stories, including the fullness of brokenness and blessing, pain and joy – to a caring person, it leads to a kind and empathic understanding of others AND ourselves, interrupting entrenched, unhealthy, harmful patterns. How kind of God to bring healing and integration to his beloved this way!