It's All Fragile
I was talking with a friend recently and they were sharing the life challenges they were facing. Day to day, I hear quite a few of these updates. From cancers to wayward teenagers, from marriages hanging by a thread to job searches and job losses, life circumstances change on a dime. Life is Fragile.
Every time I enter the post office to mail a package I am asked, “Anything fragile…?”
Though I often say, "No," I’ve come to silently reply, "yes… I am."
Jesus said in Matthew 11:28-30,
"Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly."
Life... it’s full of Fragile things. Precious things always carry with them the encouragement, "Handle with Care". Relationships, health, finances… Life… When we see that stamped on the outside of a package, we KNOW to give it a little extra care and attention. The same is true with us... It all makes me want to make a T-shirt with, “FRAGILE” stamped across the chest in big letters.
I once heard, “Be kind to everyone… everyone is going through something.” That is why our mission and ministry so often labors to create environments for hearts to retreat. A weekend away to find 3rd gear and quiet the heart is a grand opportunity to pull out of Life’s battle fields and into His arms, even if just for a few days.
It is not IF the battles come but rather WHEN. And when it’s my turn again, to be hit with Life’s challenges, I pray I will let Jesus gently carry me through. We have a big week ahead in the Zoweh Outpost. Lots of work being done on The Heart of a Warrior Weekend coming in April. Several men being invited and encouraged to get away. We invite you to lean in and provide cover for the mission and the men that will gather soon.
Let’s Pray…
Dear God, Holy Trinity, thank you for Life. Life outside the garden—this place that continually challenges us and points us to you. We confess, we need you. We need your help. We need your presence. Navigating this fallen place requires a Guide. You are our Guide for overcoming, for enduring, for being strong and courageous in the midst of hard and challenging days.
Jesus, thank you for coming for us. For seeing our fragile lives and rescuing us from darkness, bringing us into your Kingdom. Thank you for giving us such glorious roles as “sons and daughters”. Thank you for sharing your authority with us… sharing your inheritance… giving us power through your loving us into who we truly are. WE embrace your salvation and your sanctification again this day giving it claim and authority in our lives.
Holy Spirit, we invite you into our lives, our day, our chores, our relationships, and all that you have for us this day. We pray for the nudge only you can give that calls to us, pulls at us to get away and spend time with you. We pray for the courage to pull away from the busy and the battle and enter into quiet… enter into rest. Thank you for promising refueling and refilling IF we will come.
Holy Trinity, we pray your blessing over the Zoweh mission and ministry this day. We bring all of the Heart of a Warrior weekend; the team, chores, invitations and arrangements being made for men to pull away to hear from you, be with you…rest. We pray both your provision and protection over this event. We pray against anything the kingdom of darkness would attempt to pull against the mission, the conference team, and the inviting and asking of friends, families, allies, sons, fathers, and husbands to attend. Bring men away to be with you. Woo them, God, to give them rest and orientation for the roles and missions ahead. We thank you for our fragile state and trust you with our fragile hearts believing you and you alone are our only hope to see us guided home. You are our home. All this we pray, in the matchless name of Jesus Christ, our Savior and our King. Amen and AMEN!