Enneagram Number
2 - Helper
Passion Verbs
Help, Encourage, Love, Complete, Empower
2823 Saddle Dr
Durham, NC 27712
United States
My Journey with God
During a time alone with God last year at the encounter weekend in Goshan I was asking God the question "what am I compelled to do" and God communicated to me that one of the ways that I bare his image and am compelled is with regard to my compassionate heart. He went on to elaborate what I was experiencing watching men struggle to find and hear from him. He basically said that the way he lets me know him is to let me feel what he feels. It was very intimate and validating for me.
My 3 Favorite Movies and Why
- Antwone Fisher - a story of the redemption of a deeply wounded man. Beause of his encounter with a man who loved and cared for him well and a girl who did the same he came alive and found freedom. They basically y called him out of hiding. I can relate to that.
- The Shack - That movie demonstrated the heart of God in a way that I loved. It was instrumental in my journey of grief from the loss of my Brother. It touched a very deep nerve.
My 3 Favorite Books and Why
- Living presence by Helminski - A really wonderful walk through the process of being present and living from the heart.
- Open heart - open mind by Thomas Keating - a great walk through the process of centering prayers
- The heart of Christianity by Marcus Borg - a great look at the various way that the Christian faith is expressed.
My 3 Favorite Places and Why
- Marco Island - amazing beauty and a slow life
- Anguilla - where my wife and I went for many years to get away before ewe found Marco Island.
- Colorado - amazing views of the mountains.