Noel Fuller
Enneagram Number
8 - Challenger
Passion Verbs
Committed, Giving, Challenging, Connecting, Positive

368 Berkeley Rd
Rock Hill, SC 29732
United States

My Journey with God

At the deepening prayer time at the advanced in January of this year, I had a wonderful encounter with the Lord in my mind's eye, just strolling in the woods. I clearly heard, "I've been looking after you and Pam for 41 years, I'm not going to quit any time soon." I shared that with my wife on our 41st anniversary in May, and she was so encouraged. Later on she said, "This Zoweh thing is doing you some good, keep it up." Needless to say, I was encouraged, because she usually says something like, "You're doing too much." Praise God for His assurance that He's always in control.

My 3 Favorite Movies and Why

The last one was "Top Gun Maverick" because it was pure excitement, along with romance, comradery, loyalty, and victory - not a bad combination. Then "Shadowlands" made me cry, which is unusual for a movie, then "The Passion of the Christ" and "Unbroken" were gut wrenching.

My 3 Favorite Books and Why

The Bible - no explanation needed -- The Shack --what a vivid picture of the Holy Spirit -- and of course King Me -- absolutely all- encompassing awesome! 

My 3 Favorite Places and Why

Lake Jocassee in the mountains of SC -- our honeymoon destination in a 16 ft boat, single mattress instead of seats, right below Whitewater Falls for 3 days -- Yarenacocha, Loma Linda, and Machupicchu Peru -- first medical miracles at each Wycliffe Bible Translation centers, and the Machupicchu is one of the Wonders of the Wrold -- Kijabi Hospital and the remote villages around that area in Kenya -- miracles at the orphanages.