Mark Haskins
Enneagram Number
5 - Investigator
Passion Verbs
Write, Brainstorm, Teach, Enage, Create

2075 Field Creek Lane
Charlottesville, VA 22903
United States

My Journey with God
God is gracious in His redemptive handiwork--from hard times He can and does work wonders.
My 3 Favorite Movies and Why
  • American Sniper - a man fully engaged, a man of action, a man on over-watch
  • Les Miserables - beautiful music, fighting for a cause, relation of a father figure and a young man
  • Mama Mia - a light-hearted, musical reminiscing of youthful days and possibilities
My 3 Favorite Books and Why
  • Lonesome Dove--close friendship of two very different men
  • Journey of Desire
  • He Loves Me (W. Jacobsen)
My 3 Favorite Places and Why
  • My home/house in the VA countryside
  • Colorado Rockies--nothing more pristine than a high Aspen meadow
  • Classroom--where high octane learning engagements frequently occur