Lee Gonsior
Enneagram Number
9 - Peacemaker
Passion Verbs
Learn, Enlighten, Encourage, Build, Affirm

729 Grants Trail
Centerville, OH 45459
United States

My Journey with God
I have been profoundly inspired, enlightened and helped by immersing myself in the first 5 days of “30 Days to Resilience”, on Wild at Heart’s app “One Minute Pause”. Life-changing truths and practices, so clearly explained and engaged in, have helped them come alive in my heart, mind and life. I have come to believe more deeply in my heart, that I/we can be made complete, with all the fullness of life and power that comes from God, and that I was created for union with God. The simple practice of expressing my love for Jesus, the Father and the Spirit—by telling each of them that I love them, as I thank each of them for what they have given me, done for me and promised me—has helped me experience more of God’s love, presence and joy than anything I have ever done.
My 3 Favorite Movies and Why
  • “Hacksaw Ridge”— the unexpected hero’s courageous unshakable faith in and reliance upon God, his unwavering commitment to the principles he believed in, and his totally selfless sacrificial love and passion to save others, even those who had mocked and abused him.
  • “Chariot’s of Fire”—Eric Liddell’s clear understanding of and commitment to his gifts and calling, his humility, and his passion to please God, love others and stand firm for his convictions in the face of immense pressure to compromise. He stands in sharp contrast to everyone around him.
  • “Gladiator”—his selfless commitment, drive and perseverance to do what was right and to make things right, and his ability to inspire and lead others to fight for each other.
My 3 Favorite Books and Why
  • “The Heart of a Warrior”— It helped me to recognize my false self, the things I was doing to try to make life work, and to understand the nature of and sources of my self reliant passions to “know more, do more, try harder and get better” in order to find meaning, validation and fulfillment apart from union with and reliance upon God.
  • “Waking the Dead”—It clearly explains where we are, what we are up against, the vital importance of and true nature of the heart, and the “Four Streams” that help us to know God, His will, His ways and His purposes.
  • “Beautiful Outlaw”—It brings the real Jesus to life—helping me to know Him personally—His personality, character, love, and ways.
My 3 Favorite Places and Why
  • Colorado’s mountains, woods and the subtle noise of its streams—the awesome beauty, complexity and variety of creation and the Creator, and feel His presence and power.
  • South Carolina beaches—the ocean, surf and the shore likewise bring a sense of Gods and of peace and awe, hold countless memories of special times with my family and with my wife, Judy.
  • The woods and streams near home, and wherever I happen to be, where I can taste and experience more of the same.