Enneagram Number
3 - Achiever
Passion Verbs
Empower, Lead, Improvise, Mentor, Solve
1303 Rogers Road Apt 8
Annapolis, MD 21409
United States
My Journey with God
At the '23 Encounter in Rockbridge, on the first night walking out of the first session, I noticed the full moon rising above the ridgeline, and I made a comment about it to a guy that was walking next to me - it was a beautiful sight. We started talking, and we stopped on the sidewalk and talked for 45 minutes, sharing our stories and making a connection. That was the start of a weekend making several connections that have continued and built into iron-sharpening relationships. God was working powerfully throughout the whole weekend to bring people into my life that share similar stories and may be able to learn and grow from some of my experiences.
My 3 Favorite Movies and Why
- Kingdom of Heaven - love, mission, purpose, God, religion, battle, morality, strength, pain and healing - so much going on in this movie.
- Apollo 13 - problem-solving under stress, a nation praying for 3 men, suspense, drama
- Braveheart - similar to Kingdom of Heaven - so much going on and so much to learn from all the smaller stories within the larger story
My 3 Favorite Books and Why
- How We Love - amazing book with practical use in my marriage and other relationships - helped me feel hopeful and gave me a way to communicate my needs and hear others' needs
- Battlefield of the Mind - combination of science and biblical references that show that we're just figuring out how God designed us
- The Screwtape Letters - "fun" and short book that reveals the concepts of spiritual warfare in everyday life
My 3 Favorite Places and Why
- In the arms of my wife - feeling love and connection with God in the most important human relationship I have, and a relationship that's been severely tested through fire (of my own creation)
- With my kids skiing in the trees - joy, fun, freedom, privacy yet community, challenge, in touch with God through nature and the mountains, peace
- In the kitchen making Thanksgiving dinner - experiencing stress, chaos, and yet feeling love and loved while working together to prepare a feast (and a far cry from my "BC" days...