Dumas Harshaw
Enneagram Number
2 - Helper
Passion Verbs
Pray, Walk, Engage, Serve, Think

12204 Arneson Street
Raleigh, NC 27614
United States

My Journey with God

I am committed to continue to grow in Christ and facilitate in anyway I can others on the journey of spiritual transformation.

My 3 Favorite Movies and Why

The Godfather - critical leadership lessons; The Lord of the Rings - adventure, conquest, victory over evil; A Few Good Men - growth, maturity, truth, justice.

My 3 Favorite Books and Why

Bible - revelation of true Life; Speeches, Friedrich Schleiermacher - importance of spiritual experience and community life; Strength to Love, Martin Luther King, Jr. - the best possibility for social change and unity.

My 3 Favorite Places and Why

Home - place of renewal, harmony, love and self care; Mountains - for prayer, strength, natural power, and beauty; Beach shore line - place of peaceful prayer, natural energy, tranquility.