The people who know God well—mystics, hermits, prayerful people, those who risk everything to find God—always meet a lover, not a dictator.

Richard Rohr, Everything Belongs: The Gift of Contemplative Prayer

The old Scottish poet George Macdonald once wrote,

God is tender—just like the prodigal’s father—only with this difference, that God has millions of prodigals, and never gets tired of going out to meet them and welcome them back, every one as if he were the only prodigal son He had ever had. There’s a Father indeed!

Oh, how my heart longs for that! And if it does, then there must be something in it that only the Father’s love can touch. Like the prodigal who came home, I tend to also try to write into the script of my life something like, “Maybe I can be a servant in my Father’s household.” But the Father has a better idea.

His idea is to restore what has been lost.

As that begins to take place, a man starts to see challenges in his inner life that can and must be overcome. He also begins to see who he can become and the role that is his and his alone to play. These things happen simultaneously and yet distinctively.

An excerpt from The Heart of a Warrior.