If You're Going Through Hell Keep Going Part 2 of 2

So, how do you get from trials and tribulations to joy?  How do you learn to overcome without being placed in a situation where overcoming is needed?  Pain in my life sure does get my attention.  Satan and the flesh try to drag my true self into a future that is being challenged, as if it wasn’t good, I’m on my own and the best remedy is to take matters into my own hands and make a better life for myself.

Look at the gamble; God is betting on us, Satan against us.  Will we push away from the offer of anxiety, do we even know how?  Will we overcome, come-over to God’s side, take him up on His promise… do we even know how?  That is what this journey is often about.  In the moment of trial and testing seeing what were made of at that moment.  I remember in Jr. High and High School we had “progress reports”.  These were always telling and they were either comforting or alarming, a wake up call or an award saying, “your doing well… now keep going.”

It's not if but when we run out of gas, feel empty, hit a dry time, aren’t motivated, maybe even board.  These are the times I feel like the test has arrived and a progress report is moments away.  I had a good friend tell me a few nights ago, “I thought I was past this.”  Nope.  I believe it was either something old in him, his false self, inviting him to compromise or something outside coming after him to sign an old contract and give it authority once again; make a new agreement on an old false self way.  Warriors see this coming and rise up.  Beloved Sons wouldn’t forfeit their inheritance and all its benefits for a worse fate, imprisonment.

The King of kings, Jesus said, and I bet He said it with a hint of wanting…

Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away
with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest.
Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced
rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you.
Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.
Matthew 11:28-30 MSG

I recently heard from a daughter (a growing warrior princess) who was reflecting back on her most painful season to date...

I look back and I am thankful for that time… my pain drove me to God, the
only one I could turn to for hope and healing and He came.  He came in
installments of love and grace, care and attention.
Very Specifically… He came for me.

Crazy isn’t it.  You walk with God through dark and heavy times and you have a story of redemption to tell.  AND, I believe He will bring folks to you, other hurting pilgrims for you to say, “I know, I know how it feels and you can see it through.”  I believe it is part of how he redeems us, these painful moments and others who are entering or in the midst of dark and heavy times.

So like Winston Churchill said… If you’re going through hell… keep going.

I just suffered my most recent heartbreak.  Pain like “I can’t breathe” or I’d never expect it was waiting around any of my life’s next corners.  We’re not wired nor meant to think that way.  It’s forget the ½ full or empty option, it’s the glass is not only empty it’s broken syndrome and yet,

When the hammer falls or the punch comes, when the wind is knocked out of us or the glass shatters, what is there to do next?

Grab His Hand and let Him lovingly, slowly, gently lead you out.  That’s where I’m making my bets, placing my faith… On Him, the one who leads the orchestra, holds the pen, writes the story and knows the rhythms of grace that would be the next chapters of my life.

His Apprentice,